Sunday, 13 November 2011


So, Today is Kayne Cameron's 19th birthday. 
For those of you who don't know Kayne, he is one of Daniel's most loved best friends.  Now please, anyone who is reading this do not be offended...I beg you...Daniel had so many amazing friends, friends he cared so deeply for.  Friends he would move mountains for...and they would do the same for him.  I don't know if I have ever known anyone so loved as Daniel is.  He touched so many lives and befriended the friendless and the easy to love, equally.
But Kayne had a different part of his heart.
Daniel did not know Kayne as long as many of his close friends.  They did not play together as little boys, but, the day they met, Daniel said, he felt like he had a brother he finally met.
Daniel adored Kayne.
He worked with him at Coopers, he partied (too much) with him...he told Kayne his secrets and Kayne did the same.  What many of you don't realize is a connection not even known to Daniel until a couple of years ago.
He one time said to me
"Mum, i just can't explain the connection I have with Kayne"  
and I said...
"I can".  
You see, the day Daniel told me he had made a new friend, I knew.
The day my baby died, as I sat on my chair holding him wailing and screaming.  In walked the paramedics to take him from my arms.  They were the two most wonderful and compassionate women.  Both mothers, they cradled him and looked after him as if he was their own...knowing by  looking at him there was nothing they could do.  They tried so hard to console me, while tears streamed down even their own faces.  I will never forget either of them as long as I live.  I am fortunate to end up knowing them both on a personal level...a connection I could never forget. Kellie Christy and Suzie Cameron.

Amongst all of my memories that day, all of my anguish, all of my tears I remember this sentence
"I have a beautiful blond boy at home who is around the same age.  He looks just like him"  
She was crying, I was crying....we all were crying.  This, of course was baby Kayne.  Kayne would have been a bit older of course.  They are 4 months apart.  Today is his 19th birthday, and Kiki wont be 19 until March.
I have always believed that the connection was made that day.  I am not sure if Suzie saw Daniel or not at the house, but I do know that her AND Nel loved him like they had known him forever.  And when Kayne and Daniel met, the sparks kinda flew I think, and their souls officially connected.

You could often see them kissing and hugging.  They were always happy and funny together...not always agreeing I am sure...but always on each others sides.  Kayne and Molly went to visit Daniel in July in Victoria.  Daniel was so excited.  His fb status had a count down ending on the day Kayne got there with
" kaynekaynekaynekayne!!! yessss Kayne Cameron! YES YES YES!" I know they had a blast, the pictures tell me, and so did Daniel.  I am so happy that they had that was their last kisses and hugs.
Their goodbye .

I wish to write about all his friends on here.  The ones he loved the most, and I will.  Hard thing is, he loved so many.  I know today, if Daniel could pick ONE party to come back for, he would have chosen tonight.  How he would love to see Kayne show his ID to the bouncer at the Regent, and hear him say...
"You turned 19 today?  I thought you were 19 already"...haha.
Because I am almost sure...that's exactly how it went.

Happy Birthday Kayne Cameron.  Your big brother in Heaven is watching you...loving you and wishing you to feel the joy you always felt together.  I love you. We all love you.  xoxo