So here we are, two days from Christmas when most everyone in the world is or has been preparing for the holiday season. Shopping is done, turkeys are thawing the trees are up. Daniel loved Christmas. And even though so many people say that Christmas isn't about presents and gifts, Daniel meant it when he said it. He clearly loved the presents he received, for he was quite blessed to be able to have two full Christmas' almost every single year. You see, Daniel's father's birthday is tomorrow (Christmas Eve) and most every year Steven was here in Revelstoke visiting his and Lisa's families as well, of course, as Daniel. Christmas Eve was always spent at Grandma and Papa's house first with Steven's birthday celebration then with Christmas gifts. Then...sleepy little (and big) Daniel would come home to me and hit his pillow like a ton of bricks...somewhat excited to have Santa come. He used to write the funniest letters to him, and yes I have saved them all. The funny thing about little Daniel (and big) is that I would always wake up first on Christmas Morning...and putter around trying to make lots of noise to wake him up...and he never did! Every Christmas morning I would go into his room and say "Daniel...Santa was here" and finally he would get up. He was never one to want or need a million things. Daniel really was a pleaser..he just wanted everyone he loved to be together and be happy. Boy, we miss that.
It strikes me as no coincidence that on Friday, just a few days before Christmas, when his Dad is already in Revelstoke, his brother and sister are free from school and upon my return from my trip I got quite an amazing bit of news. When I turned my phone on I had a few messages from some of my contacts in Victoria asking me to call them. I told myself, in my head, that I should call when I get home...but I couldn't wait. I went into a quiet part of the station and called Det. Mike Darling. What he said to me, and how he said it, I will never forget. He informed me that the Crown, having reviewed the package they had put together for the last 16 months, had approved the charge of FIRST DEGREE MURDER in Daniel's death and that Joshua Tyler Bredo was taken into custody in Okotoks Alberta earlier in the day. My legs buckled and I lost my breath. I feel kinda silly that I went momentarily hysterical on the phone (poor Mike, not that its the first time he has heard me like that) . First Degree?? Really?? Never in my wildest dreams did I EVER see that actually coming to light.
Through some of my writing on here perhaps you can see that I have from DAY ONE believed that this was premeditated murder. Although I have done my best to be graceful with my grief and be strong...I have made no mistake on what my heart has been telling me. Clearly, being the mother of a murder victim, one would perhaps assume that it would always seem logical that I would see it that way, but it was more than my mother's heart telling me this. I kid you not, since the day I buried my boy, I have been solving his murder in my head. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I knew a lot of what led up to that day. I listened to every person who had anything to add to the whole situation and I put it all together. As I have said before, Daniel was not leaving that apartment alive. This was planned.
Because I have been so well coached and have had all the questions about the court processed so intricately explained, I was very well aware and prepared for the fact that what the police think happened and what they can prove are vastly different things. Also, the Crown will not just flippantly throw around any kind of charge that they think they might not be able to make stick. So first degree murder seemed miles away. But here we are. And although I know no real details on what new evidence or what kind of light was shed on this case, it doesn't even matter, here we are, and it is the best possible path we could be taking. Call it what you want, be it Daniel's handy work, all that prayer...whatever, we wouldn't be at this stage if we didn't all believe in Daniel and want the truth to be heard.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported our family over these last 16 months. To my friends who have loved me even through all the pain and crazy times. My employer Canadian Pacific and my colleagues who have been compassionate and understanding I am eternally grateful. To the community of Revelstoke and beyond, who have supported us with well wishes and prayers. To Daniel's friends who haven't forgotten about us, always making sure to include us in their lives even now. To my beautiful children who have given me a reason to keep it together, even when I didn't want to. To Steven, for giving me my beautiful son. But most of all, I reserve the most infinite thanks to Constable Margo Downey, Det. Mike Darling and every member of the team whom I have never even met, for never giving up and losing hope. For fighting for a boy they had never been blessed to meet on this earth, for giving up time with their own families over all these months, losing sleep, and even when it seemed hopeless, they pressed on, all of them. I can not begin to understand what it must take to investigate such tragedies, and although I know it's their job, I also know, it's who they are , not just what they do that makes families, such as mine, find some sort of peace when they can. Although I can not possibly know how this is all going to turn out, I do have some sense of relief that the right person is now, and forevermore, being held accountable for the events that took place on August 3, 2011 in that Cormorant Street apartment. The very worst day of my life.
As we all begin this new journey, please remember us in your prayers and intentions, continue to wish us strength and peace. I am scared to death. I already know that the pain isn't over, and the anticipation of a trial and all the lies that awful person is going to tell, will be unbearable to hear but are still nothing like the words "Daniel is never coming home".
Daniel Jordan Levesque, my first born son, my child, my hopes and dreams...I love you with the deepest part of my soul. I have always believed in you and I will always fight for you today, and every day for as long as I do live. You did not deserve this. You did not ask for this and there is NOTHING anyone can ever say or do that will ever change my regard for the person you were, the man you had become and the child who loved me unconditionally. Our hearts will always miss you, my son, but you will have justice...if its the last thing I do. One day we will all have peace.
Merry Christmas my love, we have your so called friend, right where we want him.....
A place where we will share memories, updates, requests, tears and joy. We want to give those of you who loved and knew Daniel the opportunity to share with us this long journey ahead. Sometimes it will be sad, but this is where you will learn the truths about what's happening with the trials, and here is a better place to share these things we have to say than on Facebook

Sunday, 23 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
His Warmth Is Still With Us
My dearest Sydnie sent me an amazing writing today. It brightened my soul and it was most definitely
what Daniel would want us to know. I am going to paraphrase it, not alter it’s
meaning, to suit just how I think Daniel would have it read: (not everyone will
appreciate this…but those who knew Daniel so well will understand why I found
it especially suited to him)
A Scientific look at what we are…and how we beam our light
and life long after we are gone.
“If I could have a physicist to speak at my funeral
this is what I would have wanted him to say. I would want him to talk to my grieving family and all my
friends about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that my energy has not died. I would want
him to remind my sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics; that no
energy gets created in the universe, and none is destroyed. I want my mother to
know that all my energy, every vibration, every Btu of heat, every wave of
every particle that was her beloved child remains with her in this world. I
want the physicist to tell my weeping father that amid energies of the cosmos,
I gave as good as I got. I did my best.
And at one point I would want the physicist to step down from the pulpit and walk to my broken hearted brother and sister there in the front row and tell them that all the photons that ever bounced off my face, all the particles whose paths were interrupted by my smile, by the touch of my hair, my hugs, hundreds of trillions of particles, have raced off like children, their ways forever changed by me. And as my friends rock in the arms of each other, may he let them know that all the photons that bounced from me were gathered in the particle detectors that are their eyes, that those photons created within them, constellations of electromagnetically charged neurons whose energy, will go on forever.
And the physicist would remind the congregation of how much of all our energy is given off as heat. There maybe a few fanning themselves with their programs as he says it. And he will tell them that the warmth that flowed through me in life is still here, still part of all that we are, even as we who mourn continue the heat of our own lives.
And I would want the physicist to explain to those who loved me, let them know that they can measure, that scientists have measured precisely the conservation of energy and found it accurate, verifiable and consistent across space and time. I hope my family will examine the evidence and satisfy themselves that the science is sound and that they'll be comforted to know my energy's still around. According to the law of the conservation of energy, not a bit of me is gone; I’m just less orderly.”
And at one point I would want the physicist to step down from the pulpit and walk to my broken hearted brother and sister there in the front row and tell them that all the photons that ever bounced off my face, all the particles whose paths were interrupted by my smile, by the touch of my hair, my hugs, hundreds of trillions of particles, have raced off like children, their ways forever changed by me. And as my friends rock in the arms of each other, may he let them know that all the photons that bounced from me were gathered in the particle detectors that are their eyes, that those photons created within them, constellations of electromagnetically charged neurons whose energy, will go on forever.
And the physicist would remind the congregation of how much of all our energy is given off as heat. There maybe a few fanning themselves with their programs as he says it. And he will tell them that the warmth that flowed through me in life is still here, still part of all that we are, even as we who mourn continue the heat of our own lives.
And I would want the physicist to explain to those who loved me, let them know that they can measure, that scientists have measured precisely the conservation of energy and found it accurate, verifiable and consistent across space and time. I hope my family will examine the evidence and satisfy themselves that the science is sound and that they'll be comforted to know my energy's still around. According to the law of the conservation of energy, not a bit of me is gone; I’m just less orderly.”
Daniel was a very deep soul who would have been comforted by
reading this. I know he is always with
us. In our hearts, our thoughts, our
every day.
My god I miss him…
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
A Word From Joel
![]() |
Daniel and Kiki |
Daniel and me |
My oldest brother is Daniel, and for those of you reading this, he has probably touched your life in some way. I want to tell you how he touched mine, and how his death has affected me, and my family.
For as long as I can remember, Daniel was who I wanted to be. Him and I were much different. In most ways. Although he was a natural at sports, he didn't like hockey like I do. He was a really good reader, something I am not. He was talented in poetry and music, and although I try, it's not my thing. But we were still very close. I looked up to him. He was my older brother and my hero. He never fought with me, he never yelled at me. I always knew I was his treasure. Daniel was five years old when I was born. My Mum says he was so happy to have another brother. He cuddled with me, he read to me and he let me watch him, play video games (as long as I was quiet). As we grew up (and Lainey came into our lives) He taught me respect, love and compassion. When he was a teenager, I saw him get in trouble with our Mum sometimes, and he was sure to tell me (once they made up) to not do the things he did. Because, as he said, our Mum didn't need more trouble. I guess he kind of broke the way for me. I looked so forward to being a teenager, so we could talk about girls together.
Before Daniel moved to Victoria, we said our goodbyes. I could not have known that it would be the last time I would ever see him. When he hugged me, so tight, he whispered in my ear "Please take care of Mum and Lainey ok? You're the man of the house now. They are your girls" I will never forget those words.
AUGUST 4, 2011
On August fourth 2011, I was going to get up early and go to the gym. Mum had just come to get me from Lillooet the night before, and it was just her and I at home that morning. I will never forget that day for as long as I live. The smell of the morning, the heat, the sound of the knock at the door. My alarm had just gone off but I hadn't got out of bed yet when I heard it. I kind of panicked because I thought I was running late and my ride was already waiting. I rushed to answer the knock. When I opened the door there was a police man there. He asked for my Mum. I thought I had maybe done something wrong. My first thought was that my basketball hoop must be too close to the road. When I called for my mother, I think she must have known right away what was going on, she yelled for Daniel as she ran to my side. I stood there beside her when the officer took off his hat. He asked her name and then broke the news to her. I watched as the woman I love more than anything in the world, listened to the police tell her, that Daniel was dead. DEAD. He was dead. I couldn't even move. I could hardly breath, I couldn't talk and I couldn't even help my Mum as I watched her fall to the floor. The scream that came from her was something I hope never to hear from any other human being again. It can't be described. Then I brother was gone.
It hit me. At 15 years old maybe I don't really understand death, or didn't until now. My mother was just told, in front of me, that now she has only two children left. And now I am the oldest.
In one second I went from being the third born to my mother's oldest living child. I cried very little. I watched as people came and went. I shot hoops, I tried to comfort my little sister. But really, I was in shock. My oldest brother was murdered. And now we are planning a funeral. All the days are kind of blurry and we made it. But it's been a rough road at times.
I have tried to think of ways to honour Daniel. We miss him every day. That's why we wear the red bracelets. They are important to me and my family. It's not like we need to be reminded about him, because we miss him every day, but when I see my friends, Daniel's friends and even strangers wearing them, I know they are fighting for him like we are. We want justice and peace.
I can not tell you how it is to live at my house. At least, not well enough for people to understand the magnitude of our grief. We have our good days and bad. Last night my Mum and Lainey and Daisy and I went up to the cemetery at 11pm to cover my brothers headstones with the boxes Mr Howard helped me make in wood work last year. I saw my Mum break down crying about how cold it was. There is something about the first snow fall every year for her. Here is a picture I took this September.
They are now covered with cedar boxes, that are now covered with snow. My poor Mum goes here often. And she cries and cries. And I help her clean up the dead flowers. And every time, I help her back to the car. It's the saddest thing you could ever see. A mother at the grave of her two sons.
I am not writing for extra sympathy. We know people are sad for us. I am writing for two reasons. I am now 16 years old and doing the best I can being a man around the house. Helping my sister and my Mum through hard times and remembering my brother who I loved SO MUCH...every day. I see my Mum go to work. She tries really hard but I am SICK AND TIRED of the extra grief she gets from certain people in this town. No one sees what she goes through at home. Her heart is broken and if you can believe there are people who are very unkind. Believe me, she doesn't need this. She didn't want me to write this part but I can't take it. If I learned anything from Daniel I learned this...we have to stick up for the ones we love. And I love her. So for the certain people out there who make her cry...STOP IT. We don't want it. I don't want it and she doesn't deserve it.
I have decided that we need to get some resolution and peace. My mum and Lainey and I have decided to do a worldwide prayer day. On December 9th 2012 we are going to gather with our friends and sit down and pray for justice for Daniel.
Stacey writes: December 9th is one year from the day that the person responsible for Daniel's death was released from jail. For those of you who don't know, Daniel's death is still considered a homocide and is being investigated actively to this day. What we want is for everyone reading this to take time out of their day on December 9th to pray for justice. At 4:00 pm, light a candle and sit and pray. The thing we want most is accountablity . We want the guilt in the heart of Joshua Bredo to be too much for him. We want him to speak up and set the record straight, because Daniel can't. We want the investigators to look at the case with fresh eyes and see what maybe isnt obvious to them at the moment. We want movement, we want answers. Daniel very much believed in prayer. He believed in the higher power of God and so do we. For those of different beliefs, please just sit still and send the right intentions to the right places. Concentrate hard on the outcome we want. What you read in the papers isn't the whole story, please believe us and please help us. We will gather in numbers here, and we hope all of you all over the world will do the same. Please help us. Daniel is and always will be, a victim.
My life as a teenage boy isn't how it should be. I shouldn't now be the oldest. I shouldn't have to watch Lainey and Mum cry themselves to sleep and you're isn't fair. Daniel will not see me graduate. He will not be the best man at my wedding and he will not hold my future children. He will always be the "Uncle" they never knew...and the brother I miss every day. He was Steve's only living child and its not fair. I love Steve and Lisa, I love my grandparents and Daniel's grandparents and I watch them cry because Daniel was ripped out of their lives. I am mad. I know it's not good and Daniel would want me to not have anger but I cant help it. I want my brother back but I can't have him because of that terrible person hit him on the head and he died. I have to live with this for always. And no one really understands. I wish everyday I was a normal 16 year old boy, but I am not. Joshua Bredo took that luxury away from me when he killed my brother.
Thank you for reading my story, it wasn't easy to write. I just wish more people could understand that even though life goes really doesn't for us. Although we wear smiles on our faces, like my Mum says...our joy will never be so joyful as it once was, our sunny days aren't quite as sunny...and I will always think about that day when I open the door.....
Sunday, 21 October 2012
It's been a while...
Here I am :) I have been without a computer for quite a long time! When I logged on tonight for the first time in almost 3 months, I found a few posts that didn't make it to the blog. (I'm not sure why either???) But, I thought I would post them one at a time....this one is from the summer sometime. July I believe. It's amazing because I would have probably started a new post exactly the same way....
It sometimes takes a lot to write on here. As you may have noticed, it's been a while. Lot's of things have happened...and in my complete avoidance....I didn't even write on here for Daniel's birthday. It's been really hard, and easier to just avoid my feelings, my thoughts and the reality that he indeed is not coming back. Welcome to a mother's new stage of grief. Avoidance and non acceptance. It is a fact that for the last 2 months, literally, I have been pushing away my feelings. I cry alone, I have awful thoughts and I am trying SO hard to continue on as though things are the way they are supposed to be. But its total bullshit. things are not as they should be, and I am not ok. My children are having an awful time...and life, for the rest of the world has gone on. It's HAD to. That's what life does. But as the days have got warmer (finally) and the summer is here (again, finally), things feel like they did almost one whole year ago. The world smells and feels like it did last August...and it sucks. I decided I should write on here to try to sort through some of the things because, in lots of ways it does help....and yet I have waited this long to try.....Interesting how when time passes, it is actually harder and harder to get back into it.
We celebrated Daniel's birthday with a big party in May. He would have been 21. It was actually a wonderful time. 80 of us got together for an amazing dinner and drinks...celebrating the life that once was. Before our meal, we released scores of red balloons into the bright blue sky, with notes of love tied to the strings. It was amazing to see how many people came to show their love and support for a soul taken too soon. The dinner was full of laughs, and a few tears, but mostly cathartic thoughts, words and hugs. It's quite amazing actually to watch his friends be happy together. To share stories about their new lives (as we know, losing Daniel was not the only tragedy they all faced). Its beautiful to see them make a big deal over Joel and Lainey, just as Daniel would want them too. He really did choose amazing people to share his life with. As most of you know Daniel was very much a social butterfly. What he lacked in his life with family relationships, he made up ten fold with the people he shared his music, love and thoughts with. I know there were some very "lost" times for him. Times when he and I were fighting, when he wasn't feeling like he "fit in"., when I was busy with his siblings. I truly missed out on a lot of things that I wished I hadn't...but I know that's how it goes with teens. (especially musician teens :) ). He was loved and cherished wherever he went. The countless letters and stories I have heard from all the people in his life, he truly had a minute or an hour or an entire evening for anyone who needed him. What a great guy. We really miss him. It only seemed right that we all be together to raise a glass to the "boyish man who thinks in song". Just as he would have us do if he were still with us on this earth.
As we watched the scores of beautiful red balloons fill the sky the afternoon of his birthday...I smiled through the tears because I know for a fact, that he was smiling too. That beautiful, wonderful smile.
Happy late birthday Daniel xo
It sometimes takes a lot to write on here. As you may have noticed, it's been a while. Lot's of things have happened...and in my complete avoidance....I didn't even write on here for Daniel's birthday. It's been really hard, and easier to just avoid my feelings, my thoughts and the reality that he indeed is not coming back. Welcome to a mother's new stage of grief. Avoidance and non acceptance. It is a fact that for the last 2 months, literally, I have been pushing away my feelings. I cry alone, I have awful thoughts and I am trying SO hard to continue on as though things are the way they are supposed to be. But its total bullshit. things are not as they should be, and I am not ok. My children are having an awful time...and life, for the rest of the world has gone on. It's HAD to. That's what life does. But as the days have got warmer (finally) and the summer is here (again, finally), things feel like they did almost one whole year ago. The world smells and feels like it did last August...and it sucks. I decided I should write on here to try to sort through some of the things because, in lots of ways it does help....and yet I have waited this long to try.....Interesting how when time passes, it is actually harder and harder to get back into it.
We celebrated Daniel's birthday with a big party in May. He would have been 21. It was actually a wonderful time. 80 of us got together for an amazing dinner and drinks...celebrating the life that once was. Before our meal, we released scores of red balloons into the bright blue sky, with notes of love tied to the strings. It was amazing to see how many people came to show their love and support for a soul taken too soon. The dinner was full of laughs, and a few tears, but mostly cathartic thoughts, words and hugs. It's quite amazing actually to watch his friends be happy together. To share stories about their new lives (as we know, losing Daniel was not the only tragedy they all faced). Its beautiful to see them make a big deal over Joel and Lainey, just as Daniel would want them too. He really did choose amazing people to share his life with. As most of you know Daniel was very much a social butterfly. What he lacked in his life with family relationships, he made up ten fold with the people he shared his music, love and thoughts with. I know there were some very "lost" times for him. Times when he and I were fighting, when he wasn't feeling like he "fit in"., when I was busy with his siblings. I truly missed out on a lot of things that I wished I hadn't...but I know that's how it goes with teens. (especially musician teens :) ). He was loved and cherished wherever he went. The countless letters and stories I have heard from all the people in his life, he truly had a minute or an hour or an entire evening for anyone who needed him. What a great guy. We really miss him. It only seemed right that we all be together to raise a glass to the "boyish man who thinks in song". Just as he would have us do if he were still with us on this earth.
As we watched the scores of beautiful red balloons fill the sky the afternoon of his birthday...I smiled through the tears because I know for a fact, that he was smiling too. That beautiful, wonderful smile.
Happy late birthday Daniel xo
Monday, 30 July 2012
Those Dark Days
So here it is...another post started....I have started and not finished about five different posts since May and been unable to finish them. Tonight I am going to try to finish this.
As many people know, we are fast approaching probably the most horrible day of my, Steve's, my children's and our families lives. Tomorrow specifically marks the last day that I saw my son alive. How thankful I am that I was able to last visit him. Tonight I am going to share what exactly happened on those horrible days.
In July of last year I worked really hard in order to get a few days off at the end of the month. I planned a trip to the coast to see my grandmother with the hope that Daniel would be able to come to the mainland and see me, and her, as well. Things worked well and that is just what happened. July 31, 2011 was spent from the morning till night visiting, laughing and catching up with Daniel. As I have mentioned before on some previous blogs, we talked non stop and just had a really great day. To back up just a bit, the night before I saw him I had a TERRIBLE nightmare. I dreamt that Lainey was taken from us. I woke up in a cold sweat with a terrible feeling in my stomach because she was not travelling with me and was due to come down to my Granny's the day I was leaving. I shook the feeling off in the morning but unfortunately the feeling came back as I watched Daniel walk to the ferry terminal gates after we said our good bye's. I hugged him tight and watched him walk away and i was suddenly hit with a searing pain in my heart. "it's him" I thought. I am going to lose him. I literally shook my head and said to myself....stop being so silly, but I couldn't make the thoughts go away.
I talked to Daniel on the telephone the next day as he ran an idea by me for Lainey's birthday present. I had told him not to worry about sending anything because he was coming home so soon and she wouldn't mind waiting to get her gift in person. He suggested to me "Mum, I was talking with Josh and and every year he pays for his brother's soccer registration, maybe I could do that for Lainey because she loves soccer so much and it would also help you" I explained to him that it was a wonderful gesture but that Lainey's soccer is in May and that was a long time away....and of course complimented him on how generous his new friend Josh must be to be so thoughtful with his young brother. (I now know this was just another one of his deceitful lies to my child. Making himself sound like such a great person. It's disgusting)
On August second I drove to Lillooet to get Joel and bring him home. I stayed the night and together we ventured back home. It was an awful trip really, one I don't even like to remember. When we returned home, we decided to go to a movie. If you can believe, the movie started at 745 and it was called "Horrible Bosses" looking back it couldn't be more ironic as it was at precisely 745 that Daniel took his last breaths, his injuries at the hands of his horrible boss. I had been talking with Daniel that afternoon. He was telling me how excited he was for his first day of orientation at "The Firm" and how elated he was to meet Josh's lawyer mother. He also told me all about the lease he was signing with Jackson on their new apartment. He was meeting Jackson in town after his time with Josh's mom. Of course he didn't show up. Jackson's calls went unanswered that evening as he tried calling and texting his friend who lay dying in the Victoria hospital. Imagine poor Jackson's heart and soul as the Saanich police knocked on his door later that evening, because the address on Daniel's ID was the house they shared. Poor Jackson spent the wee hours of his 19th birthday in the Victoria police station trying to explain what he knew about Josh, Daniel, and trying to make sense of how this could happen to a friend he loved. the police took his phone and Jackson went home unable to even contact his own all of the rest of Daniel's world slept...not knowing that he was dead.
The Revelstoke RCMP came to my house at 1 am to tell me the terrible news. But Joel and I did not hear them. It was a hot night, much like the past few nights, same smells, same heat. We both had our fans on and Daisy had been at my parents during this time because I had been away. She would have heard them knocking and barked if she was home. The RCMP came again at 3am and we didn't hear them again if you can believe. But then at 8.. ..Joel heard them. He was awake and expecting a ride to the gym. When he answered the door, he says he thought that they were unhappy with his basketball hoop too close to the road. Funny how innocent his thoughts once were. When they asked to speak to his mother, he called out to me. "Mummy" he called out, and woke me up. I opened my eyes and he said "the police are here" I BOLTED out of bed and screamed DANIEL!!!! as I was running to the door. I knew it was him. I knew they were here to tell me about my Daniel. It was just exactly like in the movies...the way I remember it. I ran to the door and the officer slowly removed his hat.
He said "Are you Stacey Thur?" and I blurted out "Where's Daniel!!" He said again "Ma'am, are you Stacey Thur" I said back "Yes I am what happened to Daniel??" And he said "I am sorry to have to tell you this, but Daniel is deceased" I screamed SO loud. "NO!!!!! Not Daniel!!!!!" "Oh my God!!!" The officer explained to me that he didn't know what had actually happened but that it was a homicide investigation. "He was murdered??? How????" That poor officer. That must easily be one of the hardest parts of their job. He had no answers for me and I was hysterical. Thankfully Paul Carter from victims assistance was also there to comfort me, and Joel, until others came to be with us.
My neighbour across the street was driving by when the police first got to the door and kind of giggled to himself "I wonder what the police are doing there" and by the time he turned around in the cul de sac and drove by again, he saw me screaming. I screamed so loud for so long my neighbour from next door came over running, knowing that it was the howl of a mother in shear agony. I stepped backward as i was yelling and tripped over my bike that was in my mudroom, falling to the floor and injuring both my rotator cuffs, both shoulders. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up for about 10 minutes. All the while, my 15 year old son had to watch. He watched my world fall to pieces in front of his eyes...and there wasn't a single thing he could do to help me. Not even letting the fact sink in that his older brother whom he loved and adored, was dead. Can you imagine how that was for him? My poor son. My poor Daniel....and Lainey was in Langley sleeping and oblivious to it all.
The task of having to tell the people that mattered in those first few hours was horrible. I had to call my auntie Lindsey, who had been with us on July 31st, visiting with Daniel, and ask her to wake Lainey to tell her. It was easily the hardest thing she would have ever done. I look back and can't believe I asked that of her, but I guess there was no other choice. I asked her to tell my Granny first of course. I think I explained the unique relationship my Granny had with Daniel. He was her "baby Jesus" as we used to say. He did no wrong, he was her most precious. I never did ask how that conversation went. I am sure I don't want to know. Poor Lainey woke up all bleary eyed and sat on her bed and listened to the news Lindsey had to give. Although it was enormously difficult for her to be away from me in those first few hours, I sometimes think it was a blessing in disguise. For the first few hours here, were hell on earth. (Granny, Auntie Lindsey and Uncle Mel brought Lainey home that afternoon, thank God)
I struggled to think of who needed to know. In my deepest sorrow and shock I made sure that Steven and Derek would know first. The RCMP called the detatchement in Lac La Biche to have them go to Steven's house. No sooner did they have it arranged I suddenly remembered that Daniel told me Steve was coming home to get Lisa from her mom's. Thank goodness I remembered, and they were able to go to Lisa's Mom's and break the news to him. For the second time, Steven had woke up to bad news about one of his son's. How is that fair? Poor Steven. Poor Lisa. Joel insisted on calling his Dad, he was in Golden and had to drive back alone....awful.
I regret the lack of control I had in how some people found out. I wanted everything to go the way it should, but I could barely wrap my head around the fact that this was happening to me AGAIN.
I remember the first phone call I had with the detectives later in that day. They gave their sympathies and were unable to tell me what happened, as they were very confused. I remember I asked "Where is Josh?" And the detective said "Why would you ask about Josh?" "Because he is Daniel's best friend! He must have been with him" They, at that time, did not tell me that Josh was indeed in custody for Daniel's murder.
The next weeks, days almost months are kind of a blur. Here it is 12 full months later and I am still not truly accepting the fact that he is gone forever. Its monumentally painful. And I hate it.
I didn't write this account of those terrible days to drum up sympathy or sorrow. I didn't even write it to seem like I am living in the past, constantly torturing myself with flashbacks (although I get those hourly). I, indeed wrote it for these reasons:
1) I don't want to ever forget, being that this has easily been the saddest year of my life. I do acknowledge that there may be a time when my memory escapes me. Perhaps one day my children may want to read about it to possibly understand why their mother is so irrationaly sad or irritated, or both. Perhaps when they are older they will read these things and they may give themselves permission to feel a bit sorry for themselves, knowing what they have lived through. On the other hand, maybe they will read this and feel proud to know that they survived. I have no doubt they will indeed turn out to be amazing adults with hearts filled with joy and happiness with a corner reserved for the brother they love so dearly and miss so much. And maybe some day, when I am fortunate enough to meet someone who loves me, they to can read this and have some understanding on how strong I can be, and yet so weak at the same time.
2) I also wrote this for the people who love us so dearly. The people who literally parented for me, watched over my house, my children, my dog. The friends who, without a word of a lie, spoon fed me so I would not die. They need to know that in the deepest shadows of my despair, even when I said No when they asked me to eat and drink, when I could not get undressed or dressed, when I had to be told when to shower, when to take my medicine, when to breath....I am forever grateful. For without you, I would not be here today. There were people who made sure my bills were paid, made sure I still had a job to go to. And in all truth, I needed all these things because I was literally incapable of doing even the basic necessities of life.
3) Another reason is for the people who wish my family ill will. It may seem petty to even mention them, but there are people in this world who think we should just get over it. I believe that i should have been able to go to work (and even now) and not have some people suggest that I am "Milking" the situation or suggest that I was at work for ANY other reason than work itself. I can assure these people that getting up every day and being productive was the best therapy I could have had.
Steven also deserved to not to have had to go through the medical issues he faced (he IS ok by the way, not to worry) He and Lisa deserved to have had some questions answered in a far more timely manner than was given them. Out of respect for his situation, treatment and diagnosis should have been immediate instead of having let him suffer with worry ADDED to his sorrow. Here is a man who has now lost his only remaining child. He went to work every day keeping all his feelings bottled up. He certainly deserves better than what life has dealt him in general.....
And finally my children. They deserved their peers, some adults and even some situations to have been handled differently. I am proud to say they went to school nearly every single day and maintained excellent marks. They continued with their sports, Joel coached, he worked. They maintained good spirits despite the long tearful nights that no one else knew about but us. When one of us would cry ourselves to sleep at night, the other two of us worried, wondering if life would ever be good again.And the next morning, all three of us would get up and do it all over again.
4) And lastly I wrote this for Joshua Tyler Bredo, aka Josh Baba (among a score of other aliases) and his family to read so they know just exactly how, for the rest of our lives, we will be scarred. Or hearts were shattered and we will never be the same since YOU took the most beautiful soul away from us. May you all be tortured with the guilt of Joshua's decisions, lies and actions.
I know the people in the last few paragraphs are not likely to read this but it made me feel better to write it anyway.
So I will end this long post now. My eyes are swollen, my heart aches and I miss my beautiful Daniel..
What a long, exhausting year it's been........
As many people know, we are fast approaching probably the most horrible day of my, Steve's, my children's and our families lives. Tomorrow specifically marks the last day that I saw my son alive. How thankful I am that I was able to last visit him. Tonight I am going to share what exactly happened on those horrible days.
In July of last year I worked really hard in order to get a few days off at the end of the month. I planned a trip to the coast to see my grandmother with the hope that Daniel would be able to come to the mainland and see me, and her, as well. Things worked well and that is just what happened. July 31, 2011 was spent from the morning till night visiting, laughing and catching up with Daniel. As I have mentioned before on some previous blogs, we talked non stop and just had a really great day. To back up just a bit, the night before I saw him I had a TERRIBLE nightmare. I dreamt that Lainey was taken from us. I woke up in a cold sweat with a terrible feeling in my stomach because she was not travelling with me and was due to come down to my Granny's the day I was leaving. I shook the feeling off in the morning but unfortunately the feeling came back as I watched Daniel walk to the ferry terminal gates after we said our good bye's. I hugged him tight and watched him walk away and i was suddenly hit with a searing pain in my heart. "it's him" I thought. I am going to lose him. I literally shook my head and said to myself....stop being so silly, but I couldn't make the thoughts go away.
I talked to Daniel on the telephone the next day as he ran an idea by me for Lainey's birthday present. I had told him not to worry about sending anything because he was coming home so soon and she wouldn't mind waiting to get her gift in person. He suggested to me "Mum, I was talking with Josh and and every year he pays for his brother's soccer registration, maybe I could do that for Lainey because she loves soccer so much and it would also help you" I explained to him that it was a wonderful gesture but that Lainey's soccer is in May and that was a long time away....and of course complimented him on how generous his new friend Josh must be to be so thoughtful with his young brother. (I now know this was just another one of his deceitful lies to my child. Making himself sound like such a great person. It's disgusting)
On August second I drove to Lillooet to get Joel and bring him home. I stayed the night and together we ventured back home. It was an awful trip really, one I don't even like to remember. When we returned home, we decided to go to a movie. If you can believe, the movie started at 745 and it was called "Horrible Bosses" looking back it couldn't be more ironic as it was at precisely 745 that Daniel took his last breaths, his injuries at the hands of his horrible boss. I had been talking with Daniel that afternoon. He was telling me how excited he was for his first day of orientation at "The Firm" and how elated he was to meet Josh's lawyer mother. He also told me all about the lease he was signing with Jackson on their new apartment. He was meeting Jackson in town after his time with Josh's mom. Of course he didn't show up. Jackson's calls went unanswered that evening as he tried calling and texting his friend who lay dying in the Victoria hospital. Imagine poor Jackson's heart and soul as the Saanich police knocked on his door later that evening, because the address on Daniel's ID was the house they shared. Poor Jackson spent the wee hours of his 19th birthday in the Victoria police station trying to explain what he knew about Josh, Daniel, and trying to make sense of how this could happen to a friend he loved. the police took his phone and Jackson went home unable to even contact his own all of the rest of Daniel's world slept...not knowing that he was dead.
The Revelstoke RCMP came to my house at 1 am to tell me the terrible news. But Joel and I did not hear them. It was a hot night, much like the past few nights, same smells, same heat. We both had our fans on and Daisy had been at my parents during this time because I had been away. She would have heard them knocking and barked if she was home. The RCMP came again at 3am and we didn't hear them again if you can believe. But then at 8.. ..Joel heard them. He was awake and expecting a ride to the gym. When he answered the door, he says he thought that they were unhappy with his basketball hoop too close to the road. Funny how innocent his thoughts once were. When they asked to speak to his mother, he called out to me. "Mummy" he called out, and woke me up. I opened my eyes and he said "the police are here" I BOLTED out of bed and screamed DANIEL!!!! as I was running to the door. I knew it was him. I knew they were here to tell me about my Daniel. It was just exactly like in the movies...the way I remember it. I ran to the door and the officer slowly removed his hat.
He said "Are you Stacey Thur?" and I blurted out "Where's Daniel!!" He said again "Ma'am, are you Stacey Thur" I said back "Yes I am what happened to Daniel??" And he said "I am sorry to have to tell you this, but Daniel is deceased" I screamed SO loud. "NO!!!!! Not Daniel!!!!!" "Oh my God!!!" The officer explained to me that he didn't know what had actually happened but that it was a homicide investigation. "He was murdered??? How????" That poor officer. That must easily be one of the hardest parts of their job. He had no answers for me and I was hysterical. Thankfully Paul Carter from victims assistance was also there to comfort me, and Joel, until others came to be with us.
My neighbour across the street was driving by when the police first got to the door and kind of giggled to himself "I wonder what the police are doing there" and by the time he turned around in the cul de sac and drove by again, he saw me screaming. I screamed so loud for so long my neighbour from next door came over running, knowing that it was the howl of a mother in shear agony. I stepped backward as i was yelling and tripped over my bike that was in my mudroom, falling to the floor and injuring both my rotator cuffs, both shoulders. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up for about 10 minutes. All the while, my 15 year old son had to watch. He watched my world fall to pieces in front of his eyes...and there wasn't a single thing he could do to help me. Not even letting the fact sink in that his older brother whom he loved and adored, was dead. Can you imagine how that was for him? My poor son. My poor Daniel....and Lainey was in Langley sleeping and oblivious to it all.
The task of having to tell the people that mattered in those first few hours was horrible. I had to call my auntie Lindsey, who had been with us on July 31st, visiting with Daniel, and ask her to wake Lainey to tell her. It was easily the hardest thing she would have ever done. I look back and can't believe I asked that of her, but I guess there was no other choice. I asked her to tell my Granny first of course. I think I explained the unique relationship my Granny had with Daniel. He was her "baby Jesus" as we used to say. He did no wrong, he was her most precious. I never did ask how that conversation went. I am sure I don't want to know. Poor Lainey woke up all bleary eyed and sat on her bed and listened to the news Lindsey had to give. Although it was enormously difficult for her to be away from me in those first few hours, I sometimes think it was a blessing in disguise. For the first few hours here, were hell on earth. (Granny, Auntie Lindsey and Uncle Mel brought Lainey home that afternoon, thank God)
I struggled to think of who needed to know. In my deepest sorrow and shock I made sure that Steven and Derek would know first. The RCMP called the detatchement in Lac La Biche to have them go to Steven's house. No sooner did they have it arranged I suddenly remembered that Daniel told me Steve was coming home to get Lisa from her mom's. Thank goodness I remembered, and they were able to go to Lisa's Mom's and break the news to him. For the second time, Steven had woke up to bad news about one of his son's. How is that fair? Poor Steven. Poor Lisa. Joel insisted on calling his Dad, he was in Golden and had to drive back alone....awful.
I regret the lack of control I had in how some people found out. I wanted everything to go the way it should, but I could barely wrap my head around the fact that this was happening to me AGAIN.
I remember the first phone call I had with the detectives later in that day. They gave their sympathies and were unable to tell me what happened, as they were very confused. I remember I asked "Where is Josh?" And the detective said "Why would you ask about Josh?" "Because he is Daniel's best friend! He must have been with him" They, at that time, did not tell me that Josh was indeed in custody for Daniel's murder.
The next weeks, days almost months are kind of a blur. Here it is 12 full months later and I am still not truly accepting the fact that he is gone forever. Its monumentally painful. And I hate it.
I didn't write this account of those terrible days to drum up sympathy or sorrow. I didn't even write it to seem like I am living in the past, constantly torturing myself with flashbacks (although I get those hourly). I, indeed wrote it for these reasons:
1) I don't want to ever forget, being that this has easily been the saddest year of my life. I do acknowledge that there may be a time when my memory escapes me. Perhaps one day my children may want to read about it to possibly understand why their mother is so irrationaly sad or irritated, or both. Perhaps when they are older they will read these things and they may give themselves permission to feel a bit sorry for themselves, knowing what they have lived through. On the other hand, maybe they will read this and feel proud to know that they survived. I have no doubt they will indeed turn out to be amazing adults with hearts filled with joy and happiness with a corner reserved for the brother they love so dearly and miss so much. And maybe some day, when I am fortunate enough to meet someone who loves me, they to can read this and have some understanding on how strong I can be, and yet so weak at the same time.
2) I also wrote this for the people who love us so dearly. The people who literally parented for me, watched over my house, my children, my dog. The friends who, without a word of a lie, spoon fed me so I would not die. They need to know that in the deepest shadows of my despair, even when I said No when they asked me to eat and drink, when I could not get undressed or dressed, when I had to be told when to shower, when to take my medicine, when to breath....I am forever grateful. For without you, I would not be here today. There were people who made sure my bills were paid, made sure I still had a job to go to. And in all truth, I needed all these things because I was literally incapable of doing even the basic necessities of life.
3) Another reason is for the people who wish my family ill will. It may seem petty to even mention them, but there are people in this world who think we should just get over it. I believe that i should have been able to go to work (and even now) and not have some people suggest that I am "Milking" the situation or suggest that I was at work for ANY other reason than work itself. I can assure these people that getting up every day and being productive was the best therapy I could have had.
Steven also deserved to not to have had to go through the medical issues he faced (he IS ok by the way, not to worry) He and Lisa deserved to have had some questions answered in a far more timely manner than was given them. Out of respect for his situation, treatment and diagnosis should have been immediate instead of having let him suffer with worry ADDED to his sorrow. Here is a man who has now lost his only remaining child. He went to work every day keeping all his feelings bottled up. He certainly deserves better than what life has dealt him in general.....
And finally my children. They deserved their peers, some adults and even some situations to have been handled differently. I am proud to say they went to school nearly every single day and maintained excellent marks. They continued with their sports, Joel coached, he worked. They maintained good spirits despite the long tearful nights that no one else knew about but us. When one of us would cry ourselves to sleep at night, the other two of us worried, wondering if life would ever be good again.And the next morning, all three of us would get up and do it all over again.
4) And lastly I wrote this for Joshua Tyler Bredo, aka Josh Baba (among a score of other aliases) and his family to read so they know just exactly how, for the rest of our lives, we will be scarred. Or hearts were shattered and we will never be the same since YOU took the most beautiful soul away from us. May you all be tortured with the guilt of Joshua's decisions, lies and actions.
I know the people in the last few paragraphs are not likely to read this but it made me feel better to write it anyway.
So I will end this long post now. My eyes are swollen, my heart aches and I miss my beautiful Daniel..
What a long, exhausting year it's been........
Monday, 21 May 2012
Happy Birthday Nikki
For Nikki
Daniel and Nikki have known each other since they were very small. Their birthdays are so close in days that we often had to discuss who was doing what on what day so no one would ever have to choose whose birthday to attend because...who could choose between these two???? Both have loving free and artistic spirits. Both are wise and thoughtful souls....and no matter what time passed between them, they would always reconnect in some way. They grounded each other...they were best friends.
I was fortunate enough to have an amazing visit with Nikki just shortly after her and her boyfriend Riley's return from Europe just a few short weeks ago.
Nikki shared some wonderful memories with me. Both in spoken word and even some in print. For she was amazing enough to have printed off some conversations her and Daniel had, while reconnecting on more than one occasion. Along with some heart searchingly poetic "Daniel-speak", She also shared a poem he wrote for her (albeit edited for grandparents eyes)
It's as beautiful as she is...and the world should know it...and know her.
I don't know if everyone can appreciate these words but what he was saying was that Nikki's friendship endured all things. She loved him no matter what he did, who he was...and no matter how imperfect he felt, she never judged...just offered her loving words and encouragement, believe me,Daniel didn't feel completely understood by many people in his life....
Thank you Nikki, for loving this boy "who thinks in song". His care, respect and admiration for you was never ending. Your talent and "spectacular spirit" made his life richer. Thank you for showing him how to be "light" and to embrace his flaws and face his demons. He felt safe and not judged by you....a gift so rare in friendship.
You truly were his boulder. And your painting of Daniel, I will proudly hang in my home forever.
Happy twenty first sweetie xo
Daniel and Nikki have known each other since they were very small. Their birthdays are so close in days that we often had to discuss who was doing what on what day so no one would ever have to choose whose birthday to attend because...who could choose between these two???? Both have loving free and artistic spirits. Both are wise and thoughtful souls....and no matter what time passed between them, they would always reconnect in some way. They grounded each other...they were best friends.
I was fortunate enough to have an amazing visit with Nikki just shortly after her and her boyfriend Riley's return from Europe just a few short weeks ago.
Nikki shared some wonderful memories with me. Both in spoken word and even some in print. For she was amazing enough to have printed off some conversations her and Daniel had, while reconnecting on more than one occasion. Along with some heart searchingly poetic "Daniel-speak", She also shared a poem he wrote for her (albeit edited for grandparents eyes)
It's as beautiful as she is...and the world should know it...and know her.
i guess i'm just sarcasm bound safely in sincerity
i convey the words and add sound so people hear me
and i'm as lost as any other of my finally found brothers
i wouldn't replace any of them for anyone,
no others could compare to the friends i've got.......
but there's one special lady, god i love her like crazy
who's always got my back, despite all the wack
shit i've done, run straight back, she's the one
its miraculous the spectacular spirit of this Achilles girl
so this one's especially for you, look i finally did it
this is finally the song you've deserved and now you get it
when you're this emotional, like a roller coaster or an anti soldier
you need the kinda people stable, you can hold onto like a boulder
so when you find those giving ones, who never ask for any return
well it matters and lifts the whole weight of the world
you keep them close to your heart, but closer to your soul
even if sometimes you end up acting like a complete a**hole
but if they love you like they say they do,
then they know that's gonna happen too
and they wont ever spit at you or get picky
so i know when i feel like sh*t
and honestly just want to quit,
i think of the best friend i've ever had, that's you Nikki
I don't know if everyone can appreciate these words but what he was saying was that Nikki's friendship endured all things. She loved him no matter what he did, who he was...and no matter how imperfect he felt, she never judged...just offered her loving words and encouragement, believe me,Daniel didn't feel completely understood by many people in his life....
Thank you Nikki, for loving this boy "who thinks in song". His care, respect and admiration for you was never ending. Your talent and "spectacular spirit" made his life richer. Thank you for showing him how to be "light" and to embrace his flaws and face his demons. He felt safe and not judged by you....a gift so rare in friendship.
You truly were his boulder. And your painting of Daniel, I will proudly hang in my home forever.
Happy twenty first sweetie xo
Sunday, 20 May 2012
News Results for Josh Bredo aka Josh Baba son of Karen Baba in Okotoks Alberta
A former Prince George man with a shady history is the key suspect in the stabbing death of a 20-year-old man in Victoria, according to two B.C. media outlets.
The Victoria Times-Colonist and Vancouver Sun have reported Joshua Tyler Bredo aka Joshua Baba aka Josh Chartier aka Josh Mitchell, 26, is the key suspect in the death of Daniel Jordan Levesque, 20, of Saanich. The newspapers did not cite the source of their information.
The Victoria Police Department confirmed they have a 26-year-old man in custody regarding the case, but had not laid charges as of press time. Police report the suspect is expected to appear in court on Aug. 18.
Police were called to an apartment in the 700-block of Cormorant Street in Victoria on Wednesday shortly after 5 p.m. There, police found Levesque and the suspect both suffering from stab wounds.
Levesque was in critical condition and died at Victoria General Hospital. The suspect was treated at the hospital for serious injuries and released into police custody Wednesday night.
Calls to Bredo’s family in Prince George were not returned as of press time. However, one family member, who agreed to speak anonymously, said Bredo has been estranged from his family for years.
The family member described Bredo as a “psycho sociopath,” and alleged Bredo had previous trouble with the law.
Soldier’s family hurt
In Prince George, Bredo is best known for his involvement with the family of fallen soldier Cpl. Matthew McCully.
Bredo, then using the name Baba, pledged $10,000 of his own money to start the Matthew McCully Foundation in October, 2007.
In August, 2008 the McCullys came forward to say Bredo left them with surprise bills of about $2,300 they had to pay for themselves after a theatre performance was held and a gala dinner was planned then canceled with only days notice.
“Things happened, all in the name of our foundation, that muddied the name of a Canadian hero, my son, who gave his life in service for our country,” Ron McCully told the Citizen in 2008. “We feel embarrassed, ashamed, and we don’t know what to do to get back on track.”
One of the chief concerns of the McCully family was the belief they had been given by Bredo, who was leading the arrangements for the gala dinner, that the guest of honour was going to be then-Governor General Michalle Jean. They were alerted by the RCMP that no security orders, which would always accompany a visit by the governor general, had been made for the visit.
Bredo told The Citizen at the time that he would be happy to help tie up any loose ends back in Prince George, like the alleged bills.
“I have been made aware of that as well, and steps are being taken to look into that and rectify those situations,” he said. “I am still gathering information myself and if there were communication errors, or errors at all, they will be recognized and taken care of immediately.”
The McCully’s came forward after seeing Bredo on television in Calgary promising to pledge $10,000 to launch an anti-crime initiative called Stand Up Calgary.
The movement was an echo of the unsuccessful Stand Up Prince George movement which Bredo attempted to launch in August, 2007. Bredo said the goal to was to take action and show civic leadership on issues like crime and poverty in the city.
Political animal
Bredo first appeared in the press in October 2001 as the local spokesperson for the local Young Liberals of Canada. Bredo, then 16, was attending College Heights secondary school.
In June, 2004 Bredo worked as a campaign employee for Conservative MP Dick Harris. Later that year Bredo and others raised allegations that Harris had engaged in improprieties during the party’s candidate selection process, including an alleged scheme to procure federal government money for bogus service contracts.
RCMP investigated the allegations and cleared Harris of wrongdoing.
In June, 2009 Calgary mayoral candidate George Dadamo pulled his name from the running after the Calgary Herald revealed Bredo’s past. Dadamo, a former Ontario New Democrat, had hired as Bredo as his executive assistant.
In August, 2010 The Cranbrook Daily Townsman reported Bredo, using the name Josh Chartier, had surfaced there working for federal Conservative nominee David Wilks.
Wilks said he hired Bredo to work on his campaign briefly, but was left holding the bill for signs, pictures and a website he didn’t realize Bredo had created.
Earlier that month, the City of Cranbrook had issued a press release stating the city had no affiliation with a pair of events Bredo was promoting in the city.
“Be it known, the corporation of the City of Cranbrook, Mayor Scott Manjak, members of council and city administration have no affiliation with this individual in any way and have provided no endorsement (implied or otherwise) for his business activities and solicitation,” the statement said.
Bredo has operated several businesses including Pacific Media Group and Baba Media Communications
Killing suspect jolted many lives
A gritty trail of lies and bad feelings emerges amid a tragedy that claimed a passionate guitarist
Sandra McCulloch and Kathryn Burnham, Times Colonist; With Files From Postmedia News
Published: Saturday, August 06, 2011
Joshua Tyler Bredo, arrested as a suspect in the of killing 20-year-old Daniel Jordan Levesque at a Cormorant Street condo, has scorched a trail of lies and bad feelings with many people who have crossed his path, including politicians and family members in Prince George.
Bredo, 26, has a number of aliases and a history of money troubles, said Steve Head, who is married to the mother of Bredo's father.
Bredo's mother has remarried and lives in Alberta. He has a brother and sister.
"He hasn't had anything to do with family for years," said Head, from Prince George.
"It's much easier on your whole life not to be involved with him."
The last time Head was asked about Bredo was when he ran into trouble assisting a candidate for mayor in Calgary.
In 2009, Bredo was briefly employed as an assistant to George Dadamo, formerly an Ontario MPP who was running for Calgary mayor. Bredo misled Dadamo as to his connections with a major oilpatch player. Dadamo fired Bredo and later dropped out of the mayoral race.
Then, a couple of years ago and out of the blue, Bredo was on the phone to his grandmother.
"I said 'Don't give him any money,' " Head said.
"The whole family's glad to be rid of him because he's a real bad con artist."
Head said he was told that Bredo was in Victoria working for the tourism ministry.
But there is no listing for a Bredo in the online government directory.
Bredo is also known by other aliases across B.C. and Alberta, including Joshua Baba, Joshua Chartier and Josh Mitchell.
Former Sparwood mayor David Wilks, who ran and won the nomination for Conservative MP for Kootenay-Columbia, was left with the bill for campaign items he hadn't planned to order.
Joshua Chartier had offered his services for the campaign in the summer of 2010, but left when he learned that Wilks was formerly an RCMP officer.
Chartier, and his aliases, was well known in that area in August 2010 for unauthorized solicitation of funds for the City of Cranbrook. This led the city to release a warning about him.
He ran afoul of the Wildrose Alliance political party in Alberta, the father of a Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan, and two Prince George business owners, mostly for unkept promises and outstanding bills.
Levesque's family in Revelstoke is trying to come to grips with his sudden death.
"His passion was music and he did some recording," said his grandmother, Michelle Levesque.
"He was a good little guitar player. His dream was to be a musician and play in a band.
"He had so many dreams and now they're snuffed out."
In Victoria, Levesque could be found playing the open mic night Tuesdays at Baja Surf Grill.
"Everybody liked him, so he wouldn't stop playing," said manager Dan Elliot.
He was a regular customer who went in for tacos and a beer or rum and coke, often accompanied by Bredo.
"They seemed like best friends," Elliot said.
Levesque worked for Bredo in some capacity, said Michelle. Bredo told Levesque his parents were lawyers and owned the high-end condo on Cormorant Street where Levesque was stabbed on Wednesday.
Levesque was taken to hospital where he died. Bredo was also taken to hospital; he was later released into the custody of police.
Michelle said she and her grandson had chatted online about Bredo.
"Daniel was telling me one time 'He gives me everything and he loves me.' I said 'What kind of love?' and he started laughing and said 'Don't worry, Grandma, he's got a girlfriend.' "
The last time she saw Levesque was June 1, when she said goodbye to him at Revelstoke airport.
Daniel was expected to be back for a visit in a few weeks, with airline tickets being bought by Bredo.
Bredo's next court appearance is scheduled for Aug. 18.
© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2011
Victim was a friend, a budding musician
By Erin Cardone - Victoria News
Published: August 09, 2011 11:00 AM
Updated: August 09, 2011 11:45 AM
Hundreds of people gathered at a memorial to remember a young man killed in Victoria – just three months after he arrived in B.C.’s capital.
Daniel Jordan Levesque, 20, died from fatal wounds after an incident on the evening of Aug. 3. Joshua Tyler Bredo, 26, of Victoria, who was also in the condo that evening, was arrested and faces a possible murder charge. Crown counsel has yet to approve that charge. His next court date is Aug. 18.
At about 5 p.m. on Aug. 3, someone from the Corazon apartment building at 732 Cormorant St. called 911. Police and paramedics attended the scene. Levesque and Bredo were both rushed to Victoria General Hospital with unknown wounds, where Levesque, 20, later died from his injuries.
The incident was initially reported as a double-stabbing but is now being considered an altercation. The cause of Levesque’s death has not been determined but it is still being investigated as a homicide, said Const. Mike Russell of the Victoria police.
Russell called the scene “chaotic” when officers arrived. Initially, police had difficulties gaining access to the building, due to its security system. Eventually, a resident leaving the building let officers inside.
In the suite, both men were bleeding. Levesque was in critical condition. Bredo was in serious condition, but was conscious. He was released from hospital later that night and was transferred directly to police custody.
Russell said, “We don’t have any indication of motive right now. Our officers are waiting to interview this male and see where the investigation goes from there.”
Russell couldn’t confirm whether weapons were found in the suite, or what might have been used in the attack.
The memorial was held in Revelstoke on Friday – the community where Levesque grew up.
Levesque was a first-born child who was “quite loved and spoiled by everybody,” his mother Stacey Thur said in an interview. She described him as a “sweet little boy, very smart for his age, way beyond his years, talked a mile-a-minute, very chatty and friends with everybody.”
He was also one of the funniest people she knew. “He always made me laugh,” she said.
“Everybody loved him,” she told Black Press. “He was full of compassion and caring and he was loyal to a fault.”
For Thur, Levesque’s death is doubly hard to take; this is the second son she has lost. “I buried his brother 16 years ago. I wasn’t ready to bury another one.”
Music was always a big part of his life. He could sing before he could talk, his mother recalled, and once his report card from swimming lessons said, “Daniel needs to sing less and swim more.”
“Ever since I first met him he’s always been playing guitar,” said one of his best friends, Julian Romeo.
“He would always play the mom role, making sure we were all being safe” Romeo said. “He got me out of trouble a lot of times.”
Thur last saw Levesque last Sunday, just days before his death and she said life was going well for Levesque in Victoria. He recently had a piece of poetry published in Scratch Magazine and performed live around the city, including at the Baja Surf Grill on Yates Street.
The day of his death, he started a new job with a local law firm that would allow him to stay in the city he was starting to love, she said.
Candidate pulls out of mayoral race
First posted:
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Just three days after announcing he was running for mayor, George Dadamo is pulling out of the race.
The former Ontario NDP MPP announced his candidacy for the city's top job Tuesday, but decided to halt his bid for mayor in the 2010 election because of controversy surrounding the 24-year-old man he made his assistant, Josh Bredo, who also went by the name Joshua Baba.
Among other controversies, Bredo has been accused of swindling money from an Ontario man whose son died in Afghanistan after never delivering on a promise to kickstart the foundation in the young soldier's name.
Dadamo learned of the accusations Tuesday, the day he announced his candidacy.
"I trusted him like a son and all of a sudden this broke loose," Dadamo said.
He said the best decision was just to pull out of the mayoral race before the campaign was damaged.
"There's information people will hold on to as we fundraise or knock on doors," he said.
"I don't want to carry his burden on my shoulders."
The former Ontario NDP MPP announced his candidacy for the city's top job Tuesday, but decided to halt his bid for mayor in the 2010 election because of controversy surrounding the 24-year-old man he made his assistant, Josh Bredo, who also went by the name Joshua Baba.
Among other controversies, Bredo has been accused of swindling money from an Ontario man whose son died in Afghanistan after never delivering on a promise to kickstart the foundation in the young soldier's name.
Dadamo learned of the accusations Tuesday, the day he announced his candidacy.
"I trusted him like a son and all of a sudden this broke loose," Dadamo said.
He said the best decision was just to pull out of the mayoral race before the campaign was damaged.
"There's information people will hold on to as we fundraise or knock on doors," he said.
"I don't want to carry his burden on my shoulders."
Citizen staff
A former Prince George man with a shady history is the key suspect in the stabbing death of a 20-year-old man in Victoria, according to two B.C. media outlets.
The Victoria Times-Colonist and Vancouver Sun have reported Joshua Tyler Bredo aka Joshua Baba aka Josh Chartier aka Josh Mitchell, 26, is the key suspect in the death of Daniel Jordan Levesque, 20, of Saanich. The newspapers did not cite the source of their information. The Victoria Police Department confirmed they have a 26-year-old man in custody regarding the case, but had not laid charges as of press time. Police report the suspect is expected to appear in court on Aug. 18. Police were called to an apartment in the 700-block of Cormorant Street in Victoria on Wednesday shortly after 5 p.m. There, police found Levesque and the suspect both suffering from stab wounds. Levesque was in critical condition and died at Victoria General Hospital. The suspect was treated at the hospital for serious injuries and released into police custody Wednesday night. Calls to Bredo’s family in Prince George were not returned as of press time. However, one family member, who agreed to speak anonymously, said Bredo has been estranged from his family for years. The family member described Bredo as a “psycho sociopath,” and alleged Bredo had previous trouble with the law. Soldier’s family hurt In Prince George, Bredo is best known for his involvement with the family of fallen soldier Cpl. Matthew McCully. Bredo, then using the name Baba, pledged $10,000 of his own money to start the Matthew McCully Foundation in October, 2007. In August, 2008 the McCullys came forward to say Bredo left them with surprise bills of about $2,300 they had to pay for themselves after a theatre performance was held and a gala dinner was planned then canceled with only days notice. “Things happened, all in the name of our foundation, that muddied the name of a Canadian hero, my son, who gave his life in service for our country,” Ron McCully told the Citizen in 2008. “We feel embarrassed, ashamed, and we don’t know what to do to get back on track.” One of the chief concerns of the McCully family was the belief they had been given by Bredo, who was leading the arrangements for the gala dinner, that the guest of honour was going to be then-Governor General Michalle Jean. They were alerted by the RCMP that no security orders, which would always accompany a visit by the governor general, had been made for the visit. Bredo told The Citizen at the time that he would be happy to help tie up any loose ends back in Prince George, like the alleged bills. “I have been made aware of that as well, and steps are being taken to look into that and rectify those situations,” he said. “I am still gathering information myself and if there were communication errors, or errors at all, they will be recognized and taken care of immediately.” The McCully’s came forward after seeing Bredo on television in Calgary promising to pledge $10,000 to launch an anti-crime initiative called Stand Up Calgary. The movement was an echo of the unsuccessful Stand Up Prince George movement which Bredo attempted to launch in August, 2007. Bredo said the goal to was to take action and show civic leadership on issues like crime and poverty in the city. Political animal Bredo first appeared in the press in October 2001 as the local spokesperson for the local Young Liberals of Canada. Bredo, then 16, was attending College Heights secondary school. In June, 2004 Bredo worked as a campaign employee for Conservative MP Dick Harris. Later that year Bredo and others raised allegations that Harris had engaged in improprieties during the party’s candidate selection process, including an alleged scheme to procure federal government money for bogus service contracts. RCMP investigated the allegations and cleared Harris of wrongdoing. In June, 2009 Calgary mayoral candidate George Dadamo pulled his name from the running after the Calgary Herald revealed Bredo’s past. Dadamo, a former Ontario New Democrat, had hired as Bredo as his executive assistant. In August, 2010 The Cranbrook Daily Townsman reported Bredo, using the name Josh Chartier, had surfaced there working for federal Conservative nominee David Wilks. Wilks said he hired Bredo to work on his campaign briefly, but was left holding the bill for signs, pictures and a website he didn’t realize Bredo had created. Earlier that month, the City of Cranbrook had issued a press release stating the city had no affiliation with a pair of events Bredo was promoting in the city. “Be it known, the corporation of the City of Cranbrook, Mayor Scott Manjak, members of council and city administration have no affiliation with this individual in any way and have provided no endorsement (implied or otherwise) for his business activities and solicitation,” the statement said. Bredo has operated several businesses including Pacific Media Group and Baba Media Communications.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Mother's Day
So here it is. My first Mother's Day without Daniel. I know it's just another day...but clearly, the unfairness of this past years events are on my heart and mind a bit more today. Daniel is who made me a mother, first. He was around for 19 Mother's Days . I have kept every card and gift I ever got from ALL of my kids, the ones they made in school, the ones they picked out on their own. All of them mean the world to me. I wish I was brave enough to look at them....
For those who didn't know Daniel well, he was very non materialistic in a lot of ways. He didn't like the "hoopla" of marketing. He didn't like how commercialism kind of took away from what really mattered in most holidays. I can almost hear him now getting up on his soap box and preaching about how silly it is to pick a special day to appreciate all the moms in the world because "we should appreciate them everyday!!", he would say in his strong , lecture voice. haha ... his friends who read this will know exactly what I am talking about.
But the true fact was, Daniel was a big mush pot when it came to me. And contrary to how I may have come across in my last post...Daniel did love me very much. I knew it, he always told me.
(NOTE: I was super angry last time I posted and what I was really trying to get across was the fact that I am having a really hard time with my OWN regret and shame, not that Daniel EVER made me feel badly. His love for me was unconditional, I just look back now and wish things had gone smoother in our sometimes chaotic life together)
Anyway, Daniel did love Mother's Day....Last year I received from him the most beautiful gift. He asked to spend some time with me that day. We had a short visit because we both worked but he sat in my car and he handed me a small piece of paper, all folded up perfectly. It looked like a note you would pass in class (not that I ever did that haha). He said to me "Mum, I love you so much, and it doesn't take a day that some earthly greeting card maker made up to tell you. I wanted to get you something you would treasure. So I wrote you a poem. Plus...I am kinda broke :) "
Well...that poem. It took me a day or so to read it if you can believe. I knew I would cry, and I did. And he was right, I do treasure it. And always will. This is the poem.
Beautiful words from a beautiful child. He sums us up perfectly, and indeed a bit prophetic. It was just like all the stars were aligning, even then, the end was so near. Neither of us knew it...but we almost did.
Daniel's good friend Jackson had those words, in Daniel's replicated handwriting tattooed on his side. It's beautiful and so touching.
It makes me so happy to see how much all of Daniel's friends love their mothers. It's so obvious. They make no secret of it, and that's just as it should be.
So many of them even messaged me or called today, knowing how much it would mean to me, and to him. They really are an amazing bunch of young people. I am so blessed.
To all of the other mothers who are living through Mother's Day with a baby in heaven, God bless you. It's not the same....our hearts are not yet healed and this " earthly greeting card maker's" idea of a special day for us, is just another reminder of how much we wish we could turn back time, and relive last May, because our life was a lot less broken then....
For those who didn't know Daniel well, he was very non materialistic in a lot of ways. He didn't like the "hoopla" of marketing. He didn't like how commercialism kind of took away from what really mattered in most holidays. I can almost hear him now getting up on his soap box and preaching about how silly it is to pick a special day to appreciate all the moms in the world because "we should appreciate them everyday!!", he would say in his strong , lecture voice. haha ... his friends who read this will know exactly what I am talking about.
But the true fact was, Daniel was a big mush pot when it came to me. And contrary to how I may have come across in my last post...Daniel did love me very much. I knew it, he always told me.
(NOTE: I was super angry last time I posted and what I was really trying to get across was the fact that I am having a really hard time with my OWN regret and shame, not that Daniel EVER made me feel badly. His love for me was unconditional, I just look back now and wish things had gone smoother in our sometimes chaotic life together)
Anyway, Daniel did love Mother's Day....Last year I received from him the most beautiful gift. He asked to spend some time with me that day. We had a short visit because we both worked but he sat in my car and he handed me a small piece of paper, all folded up perfectly. It looked like a note you would pass in class (not that I ever did that haha). He said to me "Mum, I love you so much, and it doesn't take a day that some earthly greeting card maker made up to tell you. I wanted to get you something you would treasure. So I wrote you a poem. Plus...I am kinda broke :) "
Well...that poem. It took me a day or so to read it if you can believe. I knew I would cry, and I did. And he was right, I do treasure it. And always will. This is the poem.
Like the moon decides, ocean tides
So a mother creates the character of "I"
My Mum's sweet love has made me a man
I was cherished from the day I was held in hand.
To my Mum I owe strength, wisdom and love
and the knowledge of God and Heaven above
Though our view of the world may differ or vary,
I will always have my mother to care for me
Beautiful words from a beautiful child. He sums us up perfectly, and indeed a bit prophetic. It was just like all the stars were aligning, even then, the end was so near. Neither of us knew it...but we almost did.
Daniel's good friend Jackson had those words, in Daniel's replicated handwriting tattooed on his side. It's beautiful and so touching.
It makes me so happy to see how much all of Daniel's friends love their mothers. It's so obvious. They make no secret of it, and that's just as it should be.
So many of them even messaged me or called today, knowing how much it would mean to me, and to him. They really are an amazing bunch of young people. I am so blessed.
To all of the other mothers who are living through Mother's Day with a baby in heaven, God bless you. It's not the same....our hearts are not yet healed and this " earthly greeting card maker's" idea of a special day for us, is just another reminder of how much we wish we could turn back time, and relive last May, because our life was a lot less broken then....
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